About ZimbabweTenders

About ZimbabweTenders

ZimbabweTenders is the most authentic and biggest database of Zimbabwe Government Tenders, RFP, EProcurement and other Public procurement opportunities. The information about Zimbabwe Government Tenders is collected from different sources like: newspapers, Zimbabwe official govt tenders websites and e Tendering System.

ZimbabweTenders is part of Tendersontime, which is a global procurement facilitator. TendersOnTime processes more than 40,000 Tenders from across the globe and from various industry sectors. To its clients, TendersOnTime also provides, end to end bid facilitation services with the help of local agents in 60+ countries.

The Zimbabwe Tenders Act is an attempt to improve transparency in government contracting by increasing the availability of information about public tenders and contracts. The act also aimed at creating a level playing field for businesses seeking opportunities in providing goods and services to government entities, as well as improving efficiency in government procurement processes.

How ZimbabweTenders Works?

ZimbabweTenders is the largest aggregator of Public Procurement opportunities in Zimbabwe. With more a decade of expertise, ZimbabweTenders provides latest and very comprehensive information on all government opportunities from across Zimbabwe.

Users which intend to supply to Zimbabwe government can register on the site for receiving updated information on Zimbabwe RFP, EOI and other Zimbabwe government tenders. Paid members of ZimbabweTenders get unrestricted access to the tenders database and receive customised daily email alerts.

ZimbabweTenders is a platform that offers professional tenders for companies in Zimbabwe. It allows companies to post their tender requests and receive bids from qualified bidders. This platform offers an alternative to the traditional way of doing business. It is a more efficient way to get things done as it eliminates the need for human interaction.

ZimbabweTenders Bidding Support Services

ZimbabweTenders provides end to end bid facilitation and consultancy services to its clients. Some of the services includes, but not limited to: purchase and submission of tender documents, help in EMD (earnest money deposit), attending pre-bid meetings, preparation of winning bids and attending bid opening on behalf of the bidder.

ZimbabweTenders offers a wide range of services, including online bidding support, procurement management, supply chain management, and market intelligence.

About ZimbabweTenders

Why Choose Zimbabewtenders

1,000+ Human Verified Tenders

Fresh and verified Tenders from Zimbabwe. Find, search and filter Tenders/Call for bids/RFIs/RFPs/RFQs/Auctions published by the government, public sector undertakings (PSUs) and private entities.

Daily Tender Alerts

Get daily Tender alerts in your business category every day. Download tender documents easily and be the first to bid on and win the Tender.

Verification Criteria and Process

We verify every single Tender for accuracy and deliver you only the best tender detail and information. Our team has 10+ years of experience in Tenders.

New Tenders Every Day

We publish new Tenders on a daily basis. You will receive Tender details and updates via your registered email address on our website.

Accurate Tender Information

You can trust ZimbabweTenders for accurate Tender information. All Tenders listed on our website are human verified for accuracy.

Free Sample Tenders

You can receive free sample Tenders from Zimbabwe by registering here. You can also get access to 1 Million Global Tenders by contacting Sales team.

Consultants for RFI/RFP/RFQ

We provided consultancy services for RFI, RFP, and RFQ. You can view our complete list of consultancy services by clicking here.

Bid Consultancy

We provide bidding & execution facilitation by Bidding Experts for e-Tenders Published in any e-Tendering Portal.

Publish Tenders

You can publish tenders via us and get worldwide reach for your Tenders. To start publishing your Tenders, you can contact our Sales Team via live chat button.

Export Data in Excel Format

Registered users can can export Tenders and related Tender information in Excel file format with following extensions .csv or .xls or .xlsx.

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